
Fatal Error in Magento: Class Mage_YourModule_Helper_Data not found in app/Mage.php on line 547

This is an error, which I faced some times after late nights in code.

It is a very bad error message, because it does not explain what´s really going wrong. This is also problem, because you do not know where to search for the error. Especially if you done some more changes in your code and you need to go through every single change with your GIT diff.

The reason of this error is, that you or another module of your Magento installations accesses a configuration from the XML files which is not valid. In most cases it is a typing error in a recent added or changed config section.

The solution

To solve this error: go carefully through your XML configuration in config.xml, adminhtml.xml, system.xml or any layout XML file and find the mistyping node.
It could be a close-Tag which is typed different from the open-Tag or vise versa. Or it could be a missing close-Tag.

Sometimes some of this mistakes could also lead to strange behaviour like your custom module is not activated anymore and as a result controllers actions are not working which will cause 404 on routes that were working before this mistakes.

I hope this little hint will save somebody ours of debugging!

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